Building Wheels

TAF has an option to sign files with external token (Yubikey) which can be enabled by installing an extra dependency [yubikey]. We use official library yubikey-manager to communicate with Yubikey, which relies on system dependent libraries (DLLs, dylibs, so). In order for signing to work without any additional installations, we are building platform specific wheels which contain all needed platform dependent libraries.

Important files:


This script contains all the logic for downloading and packaging platform specific files when building wheels.


Section strategy defines for which platform/architecture and python version TAF wheels are built.

To add a new python version you can extend matrix section with the following template:

  imageName: "ubuntu-16.04"
  pythonVersion: {PYTHON_VERSION}
  imageName: "macOS-10.14"
  pythonVersion: {PYTHON_VERSION}
  imageName: "vs2017-win2016"
  pythonVersion: {PYTHON_VERSION}
  platform: x64
  winArch: "win64"
  imageName: "vs2017-win2016"
  pythonVersion: {PYTHON_VERSION}
  platform: x86
  winArch: "win32"

with replaced values of {PYTHON_VERSION_JOB_NAME} (e.g. py36) and {PYTHON_VERSION} (e.g. '3.6').

Steps explained