Quick Start

This documents describes the most useful commands. See this overview for more information.


keys-description is a dictionary which contains information about the roles and their keys. The easiest way to specify it is to define it in a .json file and provide path to that file when calling various commands. For example:

{ "roles": { "root": { "number": 3, "threshold": 1 }, "targets": { "number": 1, "threshold": 1, "delegations": { "delegated_role1": { "paths": [ "dir1/" ], "number": 3, "threshold": 2, "terminating": true }, "delegated_role2":{ "paths": [ "dir2/" ], "delegations": { "inner_delegated_role": { "paths": [ "dir2/inner_delegated_role.txt" ], "terminating": true } } } } }, "snapshot": { "scheme": "rsassa-pss-sha256" }, "timestamp": { "scheme": "rsassa-pss-sha256" } }, "keystore": "keystore_path" }

NOTE: in this example, scheme of snapshot and timestamp roles was specified in order to provide an example of how to do so. At the moment, all keys should have the same signing scheme. The default scheme is "rsa-pkcs1v15-sha256. Delegated target roles are optional - if all target files should be signed using the targets key, there is no point in defining delegated target roles.

Names of keys must follow a certain naming convention. That is,their names are composed of the role's name and a counter (if there is more than one key). E.g. root1', root2, targets1, targets2, snapshot etc.

If a property is omitted from the specification, it will have the default value. The default values are: - number=1 - length=3072 Note: If the generated key should be moved to a YubiKey 4, this value must not exceed 2048 - passwords=[] Meaning that the keystore files will not be password protected by default. - threshold=1 - scheme=rsa-pkcs1v15-sha256

The keys-description option can either directly contain the described json, or be a path to a file which contains it. In cases when this dictionary is not provided, it is necessary to enter the needed information when asked to do so, or confirm that default values should be used.

Generate keys

In order to create a new repository, it is necessary to decide which keys are to be used - YubiKeys, keystore files or a combination of them. It is not recommended to use keystore files for signing root and targets metadata (including all delegated roles) of production repositories. Start by creating keys-description.json.

Keys can be generated while creating a new repository if they don't already exist, but can also be generated in advance. To generate new keystore files, call:

taf keystore generate destination_path keys-description.json

This command will only generate a key of roles explicitly listed in the input - so add empty snapshot and timestamp dictionaries if these keys should be generated as well.

To set up new YubiKyes, call

taf yubikey setup_signing_key

WARNING: This command will delete the YubiKey's existing data. New repositories can be created using already set up YubiKeys.

Create a repository

Use the repo create command to create a new authentication repository:

taf repo create repo_path --keystore keystore_path --keys-description keys-description.json --commit --test

It is not necessary to generate keys or initialize Yubikeys prior to calling this command. For each role, keys can be: - loaded from the keystore files if they already exist - generated and stored to keystore files - loaded from previously initialized Yubikeys - generated and stored on a Yubikey (this deletes all existing data from that key)

IMPORTANT: If the command was run without the commit flag, commit the changes before updating metadata files or adding targets. The updater will raise and error if version numbers of metadata files in two subsequent commits differ by more than one!

Update targets

To update authentication repository's target files based on the current state of the target repositories, use one of the two update_repos commands. If repositories.json exists, use the targets update_repos_from_repositories_json command. If that is not the case, call targets update_repos_from_fs. They both iterate through the directory where target repositories are located. update_repos_from_repositories_json skips all repositories which are not listed in repositories.json, while update_repos_from_fs only skips the authentication repository if it is inside the same directory as the the target repositories.

taf targets update_repos_from_fs auth_path --root-dir library_dir_path --namespace namespace --add-branch
taf targets update_repos_from_repositories_json auth_path --root-dir library_dir_path --namespace namespace --add-branch

If the authentication repository and the target repositories are inside the same directory, there is no need to set root-dir and namespace. This command does not automatically sign metadata files.

Sign metadata files

To sign updated targets metadata file call the targets sign command. It updates all targets metadata files corresponding to roles responsible for modified target files, snapshot and timestamp.json

taf targets sign auth_path --keys-description keys_description.json --commit